EMOTIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCE Check out our new exciting program in EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE! A program based on the study of Dr.Paul Ekman, that was also featured in the blockbuster Disney-Pixar movie: "INSIDE OUT". Silahkan cek program baru kami yang luar biasa di area KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL! Sebuah program berdasarkan studi Dr. Paul Ekman, yang juga ditampilkan di film laris Disney-Pixar: "INSIDE OUT". Klik di sini NEW! EVALUATING TRUTH AND CREDIBILITY A comprehensive program on evaluating truth and lies, based on science and the study of Dr.Paul Ekman, has finally arrived in Indonesia! The science behind the Fox Series "LIE TO ME". Sebuah program lengkap di arena evaluasi dan deteksi kejujuran dan kebohongan, berdasarkan sains dan studi Dr.Paul Ekman, akhirnya tiba di Indonesia! Sains di balik serial Fox TV, "LIE TO ME". Klik di sini |
![]() Ideas for Super Busy Team
3-4 HOURS COURSE We understand that at certain times, some teams are super busy and although really need certain skills to develop, have only short time for any programs. These teams need specially designed programs that can fit their agenda and still provide the resources the teams need. Ask us about our short course series! Click here. Kami paham bahwa di waktu-waktu tertentu, beberapa tim terlalu sibuk dan walaupun sangat membutuhkan skil-skil tertentu untuk dikembangkan, hanya punya waktu yang singkat. Tim-tim ini butuh program yang didesain khusus yang bisa sesuai dengan agendanya dan masih bisa menyediakan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan. Tanyakan ke kami seri program pendek kami. Klik di sini.